Hey friends, 
I am quite sure you ask yourself what happened to us since we didn't update our page nor tour around for gigs.
Unfortunately I've been knocked out by bad news on December 17th. A strange virus attacked my brain and hospital has been my home for more than a month. I couldn't walk, talk, think and the left part of my body was completely paralyzed.
It's been pretty hard shit going on. Not only for me but also for all of those beneath me 'cause it didn't look that serious on the beginning.
Now, 6 months later and hours of rehab I am almost back again. I recommenced playing the guitar and me, paul and pauli constantly meet each other to set the ball rolling again. Obviously it's going to be a time of practice with focus set on mental work and ideas for the band more than playing live, but we are dying to rock on stage again.
By then you can download media stuff on myspace and right here we're going to set a brand new website to keep you guys up to date.
I wanna say THANK YOU to all of those who stood close to me during this hard time. I was surprised how many came to look after and meet me, to give me finally the power to get thru this. THANK YOU ALL
mail me